- Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Download
- Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Download
- Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Pdf
- Philips Achieva Mri User Manual 2020
Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Download
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Routine to advanced imaging for all applications.Achieva 3.0T X-series combines simple operation with fast scanning and superb image quality. Armin meiwes video. Truly complete 3T MRI system, it offers an extremely broad clinical reach from routine head, spine and musculoskeletal imaging to the most advanced exams.
FORUMSView All (4)
Ask a New Question0Replies6 years ago | 6 years agoMaintenance course i was wondering if can take a maintenance course so i will be able to maintain philips equipment such as Achieva for example ? Reply |
-ARA 6 years ago | 6 years agoISO Service for Philips Achieva 3.0T Is there an ISO that provides full maintenance service on a Philips Achieva 3.0T? Reply |
5Replies10 years ago | 10 years agoCoil Repair on Achieva 3.0T Units Who has the best repair / loaner repair service on coils for these systems?????? Reply |
SERVICE COMPANIESView All MRI Systems Companies
- One click to consistent and reproducible MRI exams. SmartExam automatically controls the planning, scanning, and processing of MRI scans, with one click.
- FreeWave is the heart of the next generation of MRI scanners, prepared to handle the imaging needs of the future.
- The gold standard in parallel imaging, SENSE can be combined with virtually every scan method for clinical benefits such as reduced scan times, higher temporal resolution and enhanced spatial resolution.
- ExamCards contain all the scans required for a complete MRI examination in one easy-to-use file that can be downloaded directly to a Philips MRI scanner, providing fast, consistent MRI results.
Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Download
Clinical Use | Whole Body |
Gantry (Max. Clearance) | 110 cm |
Magnet Type | Superconducting |
Magnetic Field Strength | 3 T |
Patient Weight Capacity | 550 lbs |
Weight | 9400 lbs |
Philips Achieva Mri User Manual Pdf
Additional Specifications
Philips Achieva Mri User Manual 2020
Minimum room size (length x width x height): 3.6m x 5.4m x 3.0m