ENGLISH Patch for RU Client. Current Language Patch Version: 2021-07-07 - English strings taken from EU loc file. Current Textures Patch Version: 2017-12-08 - Might not work (havent tested with latest updates) To use this patch you will need to remove existing uidata folder in BDO live folder (unless it is first time using Textures patch). Patch Pes 2008 - Molte migliorie. To Love Ru Doki Doki Rinkai Gakkou Hen Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku PSP Gameplay English Patched. To Love Ru Doki Doki Rinkai Gakkou Hen. There are no descriptions available for To Love Ru - Doki Doki Rinkai Gakkou Hen (Japan) in our database. You can help us out by submitting a description. To Love-Ru -Trouble- Darkness: True Princess was released last week for the PS Vita, offering both regular and limited edition variants. Unlike the previous action title, To Love-Ru Darkness: Battle Ecstasy, True Princess decides to take a visual novel approach in a brand new story featuring the 11 heroines.The game’s prologue and tutorial have been translated below, while a route guide for.
GAME NAME | Darkness Battle Ecstasy |
PCSG00330 | |
JPN | |
Action |
To Love-Ru Trouble Darkness: Battle Ecstasy is an Action game, developed and published by FuRyu, which was released in Japan in 2014.

- Guide Install NoNpDrm Plugin PSVITA – Click Here
- Guide Install Game NoNpDrm PSVITA – Cick Here
Note: Send NoNpDrm format content to (If you do not have the folder then create new)
– File GAME (Folder “App”) place them in: “ux0:app”
– File DLC (Folder “Addcont”) place them in: “ux0:addcont/[GameID]/[DLCFolder]
Directory and the needed licenses on the “ux0:license/addcont/[GameID]/[DLCFolder]” directory of your console.

– File UPDATE (Folder “Patch”) place them in: “ux0:patch/[GameID]”

- Guide Install Game MaiDumpTool PSVITA – Click Here
- Guide Install DLC & Updates MaiDumpTool PSVITA – Click Here
Using FTP (Guide Here) or USB (Video Guide + VitaShell)
Game Locale: Japanese
You can download the english patcher from below links.
The japanese to english translation is being worked on actively. It may have some issues, but it will get fixed fast.
Instructions on how to use it:
Download the 'LaoTranslation.zip' and unpack it
Start Pmang(Lostark JP) launcher and login, then update the client (if needed)
Start the LaoTranslation.exe patcher (Run as Administrator) and browse game exe, then click 'English' button on top and then minimize after applying the patch successfully DO NOT CLOSE THE ENGLISH PATCHER
Start LOST ARK through Game Center launcher (Click PLAY)
If you are done playing, make sure the 'restore original on close' is marked on patcher and close the game and game center launcher first before closing the english patcher
Disconnect / Maintenance:
To Love Ru Psp English Patch Download Torrent
Close the game(LOST ARK) and PMANG launcher and then the english patcher
Start PMANG launcher and login, then wait for the game to update (if needed)
When the game update is finished in PMANG Launcher, do the steps above (3 to 5)